Christmas tree made out of VHS tapes and a TV monitor.
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Cult of the Plastic Brick
Christmas tree made out of VHS tapes and a TV monitor.
Continue readingA giant 8 foot tall replica of a 2001: A Space Odyssey videocassete by American sculptor David Herbert.
Continue readingThe wonderful thing about a stack of random VHS tapes is the fact that anything could be on them. It could be something amazing or something horrific. Even if it’s labelled, what is contained within could be still be a complete surprise.
Continue readingCool photo of the insides of a first generation VHS deck by Tom Sandelands.
Continue readingAnimated GIF: Video Cassette
Continue readingSouth Korean magazine advertisement for a “cutting edge” front-loading VCR from Samsung circa 1989. Get it for only 659,000 won! If I’m not getting my math wrong, based on these exchange rates, that would have been around $978 in 1989!
Continue readingNoel Mellor walks us through the ups and downs of the VHS format in the United Kingdom.
Continue readingA VHS variation on the Good Guy Greg meme.
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